Meet the Team: Jason Martinez


Life stuff

What do you do at RMG: Like many others at Redefine, I wear a bunch of different hats. One day, I could be working on SEO and social media; another day, I could be writing HTML. But my primary duties at RMG are as a marketing coordinator, focused mostly on off-page SEO & social media!

Favorite thing about your job: Every day is different! No day at Redefine is truly the same. Also, love seeing what my direct efforts bring to clients and how much they like them.

What was your first job: Sales Associate at Express

In elementary school, what did you want to be when you grew up: A professional skateboarder or a soccer player, that was every kid’s dream!

What is your earliest memory: Playing soccer every Saturday morning, whether it was local or far away.

What is a fun or interesting thing about your hometown: So, we are the city right next to Chino Hills that people call Chino Hills but is actually Chino. Oh yeah, the Ball Brothers are from here… well, technically Chino Hills.

What’s your favorite family tradition: Opening presents on Christmas morning and having tons and tons of food for lunch and dinner!

Food stuff

What is your favorite cereal: Apple Jacks and Cinnamon Toast Crunch!

How do you like your eggs: Scrambled with cheese!

If you could eat only one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be: Beans, Greens, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Lamb, Rams, Hogs, Dogs, Beans, Greens, Potatoes, Tomatoes, Chicken, Turkeys, Rabbit… You name it!!!!!!

What’s your go-to Starbucks order: Grande Blonde/Medium Roast (I’m boring)

Favorite stuff

Favorite band/musician: It’s a tie between Frank Ocean & Kanye West

Favorite movie: Lords of Dogtown, it’s a classic

Favorite actor/actress: Heath Ledger

Favorite sports team: Los Angeles Dodgers all the way.

Favorite social media network: Twitter by far! The sheer amount of hilarious memes and tweets that are twote (is that even a word) keep me laughing in my free time.

Top three favorite apps: Twitter, YouTube, & Instagram

Favorite TV show: I don’t really watch TV but anything on Viceland. It’s my go-to channel when I’m bored.

Favorite superpower: It would probably be flying. Imagine how easy it would be to get to work.

Hobby & travel stuff

What are your hobbies: I like to watch interesting/educational videos on YouTube. Just last week I watched a video on how fresh boba is made! I also enjoy trading stocks and photography!

What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time: Look at Google Analytics data and search rankings for Redefine 😂

Can you play any instruments: Not at the moment, I used to play acoustic guitar.

Do you collect anything: Shoes… I have too many

What are the last three books you read: Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut, Ego is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday, and the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

Most recent vacation: Nashville, TN

What’s your favorite city/state/country you’ve ever visited: Nashville, New York City, and Chicago!

Random stuff

If you could have dinner with one person, alive or dead, who would it be: Joe Rogan, I feel like that would be a pretty interesting conversation.

At which store would you like to max out your credit card: Uniqlo, without a doubt!

Do you have any strange phobias: Spiders

Have you ever met anyone famous: I went to Venice one weekend and ran into Johnny Knoxville but I didn’t say hi. There was also this one time I went to a $20 rap show and Kanye West was a surprise guest.

If you could pick up a new skill in an instant, what would it be: Speed reading for sure! I’d fly through so many cool books!

If you could choose one age to be forever, what would it be: 8 or 9! Life was so much simpler then. Adulting is cool and all, but I prefer when times were simple.

What characteristic do you like most about yourself: Over-thinker. It helps me make conscious decisions.

Have you had your 15 minutes of fame yet: No, but I hope it’s more than 15 minutes!

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Jason Martinez
Jason is a Cal Poly Pomona Alum, extreme fan of marketing, and social media advocate. As a Brand Marketing Manager at Redefine Marketing Group, he is responsible for the development and execution of strategy for reputation management, link building, and social media marketing for both the agency and its clients.
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