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Meet the Team: Stephanie Fehrmann

Life stuff:

What do you do at RMG: I’m the Head of Content, so I make sure our clients are getting the blog content and on-page content that will help improve their rankings, traffic, and authority. I work most closely with Mariah, our content manager, and Jason. I’m also the co-founder and I handle much of the day-to-day operations, so things like payroll, invoicing, and general HR stuff keep me pretty busy!

Favorite thing about your job: The people. I love our team. They make this all worth it.

What was your first job: McDonald’s. I worked there for seven years, from the age of 16-23 and the last half of that time was the graveyard shift, so I stayed up all night and slept all day, which was awesome, especially during the summer. Sometimes I really miss that job and McDonald’s is still my favorite fast food. Chicken nuggets and an apple pie is total comfort food for me.

In elementary school, what did you want to be when you grew up: I wanted to be a chef or a business lady. Sometimes I still think about how cool it would be to be a professional chef. I cook almost every day and it’s really fun for me, so I’d probably love doing it for a living.

What is your earliest memory: I have a few memories from around the same age, including walking with my dad down the street to Kindercare, walking around the neighborhood on Christmas Eve with my uncle while we waited for “Santa” to come, and swimming in our backyard pool with my dad and sister.

What is a fun or interesting thing about your hometown: It’s Bill and Ted’s hometown. San Dimas High School Football Rules! #partyondudes

What’s your favorite family tradition: Baking all the German Christmas cookies! Eating all the German Christmas cookies. Basically just Christmas!

Food stuff:

What is your favorite cereal: Lucky Charms. Cinnamon Toast Crunch is a close second.

How do you like your eggs: Over easy or sunny side up. I also like Eggs Benedict, if that counts. Basically anything with a runny yolk is fine by me.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be: Can I just say McDonald’s in general? A rotation of Big Macs, quarter pounders, chicken nuggets, fries, and apple pies?

What’s your go-to Starbucks order: Pumpkin spice latte, if it’s in season. Otherwise an iced caramel macchiato. Decaf 90% of the time because caffeine makes me crazy.

Favorite stuff:

Favorite band/musician: It’s too hard to pick just one, but here are some of my favorites: of Montreal, Spoon, Against Me!, Saves the Day, Alkaline Trio, Bright Eyes, Cursive. Late 90s/early 00s FTW.

Favorite movie: 10 Things I Hate About You and Reality Bites are both up there. Favorite genre is horror, though. Especially home invasion/serial killer/torture movies.

Favorite actor/actress: Winona Ryder is my favorite actress (she’s my 90s cool girl idol). I don’t have a favorite actor, but I like Ethan Hawke and Adam Sandler a lot.

Favorite sports team: Cincinnati Bengals

Favorite TV show: All time: The O.C., Girls, Parenthood, Six Feet Under, Gossip Girl, Enlightened. On right now: The Good Fight, Lunatics, Teen Mom OG, Teen Mom 2, A Million Little Things, The Good Doctor, 911.

Favorite superpower: Invisibility. I’d love to just go places and be invisible, imagine only having to do your hair and makeup when you want to and going out in public in your pajamas all the time?

Favorite social media network: Instagram.

Top three favorite apps: Instagram, Starbucks, and Yummly.

Hobbies & travel stuff:

What are your hobbies: I love to cook. I’m always trying new recipes. I see a lot of movies (I see 4-5 movies a month in theaters), and I go to a lot of concerts (I’ve seen one of my favorite bands 18 times.) I inherited my dad’s classic BMW and have started putting it in car shows (I won Best of Show the first two/only times I showed it), so I guess that’s a new hobby of mine.

What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time: Probably organize my SPIN magazine collection or the spice rack. I just really love cleaning and organizing things. I just started brewing my own kombucha, so I spend a lot of time researching and coming up with flavor combos to try out.

Can you play any instruments: The accordion and piano.

Do you collect anything: SPIN magazines. I have almost 100, including the very first edition from the 80s.

What are the last three books you read: Parkland by Dave Cullen, White by Bret Easton Ellis, and Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis.

Most recent vacation: I spent Christmas in Germany, going to all the Christmas markets and we even made it over to Prague and Austria. It was amazing and I can’t wait to go back.

What’s your favorite city/state/country you’ve ever visited: Germany is my favorite country, hands down. Favorite cities have been Austin and Nashville.

If you could have dinner with one person, alive or dead, who would it be: My dad.

At which store would you like to max out your credit card: Target. Every time I go into that place I buy way more than I anticipated, so it wouldn’t be hard 😉

Do you have any strange phobias: Emetophobia (fear of vomit). From December 28-March 6th I saw four people throw up (three of those were within the same week). It was emotionally scarring.

Have you ever met anyone famous: I went on a couple dates with a former Nine Inch Nails member. I also met Aaron Carter once outside of one of his concerts #bestdayever, and I’ve also met Saves the Day. I’ve seen a few famous people (Trent Reznor, Hilary Duff) at the Bristol Farms in LA.

If you could pick up a new skill in an instant, what would it be: Maybe sushi making? I’m terrified of food borne illnesses so I don’t think I’ll ever have the confidence to make my own sushi, but it’d be pretty cool if I could. I also think knowing how to speak Spanish would be helpful!

If you could choose one age to be forever, what would it be: 30. My life was the exact way it is now that I’m 31 (which is great!), except my dad was still alive.

What characteristic do you like most about yourself: My organization and time management skills. I’m pretty organized and I’m always early.

Have you had your 15 minutes of fame yet: I was on America’s Next Top Model season 11, but that was more like 15 seconds of fame since they pretty much edited me out of most of the only episode I was on. You saw me on screen for like 10 seconds total.